Accelerating the speed of change in organisations and society

Data: martedì 2 luglio 2024, ore 10.00

Dove: Online via Teams e in presenza presso la Fondazione Marco Biagi (Largo Marco Biagi 10, Modena)

L’evento si terrà in lingua inglese.

Attestato di partecipazione disponibile su richiesta compilando il modulo di iscrizione all’evento.

Di seguito il programma completo:

Welcome Address
Tindara Addabbo Economic Policy Department of Economics Marco Biagi, University of Modena & Reggio Emilia, GE&PA coordinator

EU objectives on Gender Equality and their impact on organizations and society
Donatella Porzi EU Committee of the Regions’ Rapporteur on Gender-based violence

Public Policies Evaluation: The Amartya System – Emilia-Romagna Region
Francesco Raphael Frieri Director General Resources, Europe, Innovation and Institutions Emilia-Romagna Region

Measuring gender equality to guide a change in policies
Gulay Gunluk-Senesen Istanbul University, Faculty of Political Sciences, Director of the Istanbul University Center for Research and Practice in Global Politics and Management – GLOPAR

Multi-level governance for gender equality
Paula Rodríguez Modroño Economics, Quantitative Methods and Economic History Department Pablo de Olavide University, Seville, Spain. Director of Interdisciplinary Centre of Women’s, Gender and Feminist Studies (CINEF)

Inside the organizations: barriers and drivers for gender equality achievements
Angela O’Hagan Department of Social Sciences at Glasgow School for Business and Society and Deputy Director of the Wise Centre for Economic Justice, UK, Co-ordinator of the European Gender Budgeting Network

Achieving gender equality: the role of participatory auditing and inclusive governance
Caterina Arciprete ARCO Inclusive Development Unit Researcher

Transformative policies towards gender equality. Experiences and alliances
Tindara Addabbo Economic Policy Department of Economics Marco Biagi, University of Modena & Reggio Emilia, GE&PA coordinator